Grand Representatives
Jurisdiction | Name and Chapter Number | Expiration Date |
Alabama | Steve Kynaston (48) | 12/31/25 |
Alberta | Elisa Nordin (33) | 12/31/25 |
Arizona | Jesse Laduke (8) | 01/01/25 |
Arkansas | Heidi Bitterworlf (48) | 12/31/24 |
Australia - 3 years | Barbara Flathers (48) | 12/31/24 |
Bolivia | ||
British Columbia | Mackelti Demoray (36) | 12/31/24 |
California | Tom Luce (79) | 12/31/24 |
Colorado | Tyke Carr (6) | 01/01/26 |
Connecticut | Jack Nelson (12) | 12/31/24 |
Delaware | Wayne Smith (65) | 12/31/24 |
District of Columbia | Nichole Reib (20) | 03/01/25 |
Florida | Allicyn Latimer (79) | 12/31/25 |
Georgia | Cheri Kunz (66) | 12/31/24 |
Illinois | Norma Varner (22) | 12/31/25 |
Indiana | Diana Wood (29) | 12/31/25 |
Iowa | Pam McClung (77) | 3/01/26 |
Italy | Kay Ernest (20) | 06/01/26 |
Kansas | Mark Worthingon (13) | 01/01/26 |
Kentucky | Jack Davis (62) | 01/01/26 |
Louisana | Kamber Weniger (85) | 12/31/24 |
Maine | Chuck Reynalds (12) | 03/01/26 |
Manitoba - 3 years | ||
Maryland | Sheryl Pyle (6) | 12/31/24 |
Massachusetts | Polly Ann Funk (10) | 12/31/24 |
Michigan | Holly Bambolo (3) | 01/01/26 |
Minnesota | Robin Mason (29) | 12/31/24 |
Mississippi | ||
Missouri | Barbara Hoagland (35) | 12/31/24 |
Montana | Morgan Frontino (63) | 12/31/24 |
Nebraska | Tammy Bonnett (77) | 10/01/25 |
Nevada | Debbie Stern (62) | 12/31/24 |
Grand Representatives New Brunswick - Wyoming