Escorts to the Grand Officers

Worthy Grand Matron

Dottie Hardenbrook

Worthy Grand Patron
Laura Shonk
Associate Grand Matron
Laura Thompson
Associate Grand Patron
Deb Arnold, PGM
Grand Secretary
Bill Rigoli, PGP
Grand Treasurer
Daveta Ulrich, PGM
Grand Conductress
Karen Juell, PGM
Associate Grand Conductress
Mary Jane Muncy
Grand Chaplain

Merry Logan

Grand Marshal
Carol Burbank, PGM
Nancy Burbank
Grand Organist
Chuck Rose
Grand Adah
Kim Jockush
Grand Ruth
Patty Brown
Grand Esther
Nicole Campbell
Grand Martha
Pam McClung
Grand Electa
Joan Davis
Grand Warder
Barbara Bonham
Janice DuClercque
Grand Sentinel
Hazel Sutton

About Eastern Star

Eastern Star strives to take good people, through uplifting and elevating associations of love and service as well as through precept and example, to build an Order which is truly dedicated to Charity, Truth and Loving Kindness.

Service Projects

CASA Idaho

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